You will be made welcome at

Cannon Court Evangelical Church

Our main belief is that salvation is through trusting in Christ and Him alone and that it is not based on any works that we may do, i.e. we cannot earn our way to heaven. We believe that all of us have sinned and that we need God’s forgiveness and that Jesus died to take the punishment that we deserved. We believe that be need to be ‘re-born’ in a spiritual sense - the Bible teaches that except a person is ‘born again’ they cannot be saved. See John 3:3 in the Bible.


What We Believe

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The Bible

THE BIBLE is a divinely inspired book, unlike any other that has ever been written:
    Every part of it, without exception, is true, accurate and can be totally relied upon.
    Nothing in the Bible can ever be discarded, ignored or dismissed as mere myth or legend.
    The God of the Bible is the only true God.

God's Character

THE CHARACTER OF GOD is immeasurably pure, holy and just, and He can by no means allow sin/evil to go unpunished, or anyone that is sinful to ever be in His presence:
    He is infinitely powerful, all knowing and present everywhere at the same time.
    His love for humanity, whom He created, is infinite and his mercy and grace are boundless.
    He demonstrated His love, mercy and grace by sending His one and only Son into our world to redeem us by willingly laying down His life in our place, thus meeting His own immutable and righteous requirement that sin must be punished.

Jesus Christ

THE DEITY OF THE LORD JESUS CHRIST is a precious Biblical truth that can never be compromised and which is held dear by all true believers in Christ:
    Jesus is the human expression of God.
    He is also the one and only Son of God, but is in every sense, co-equal with the Father and the Holy Spirit, as part of the inseparable triune Godhead.

Holy Spirit

THE HOLY SPIRIT IS A DISTINCT PERSON, co-equal with the Father and the Son as part of the inseparable triune Godhead:
    The attributes given to the Spirit are attributes of a person, not an inanimate force.
    The work of the Holy Spirit is distinct from the Father and the Son, and yet unified in purpose and plan.
    The Holy Spirit convicts us of sin, then leads us to repentance of sins.
    At the point of salvation (conversion), the Holy Spirit takes up residence in our bodies, because we now have the righteousness of Christ.
    As believers, with God dwelling inside our earthly bodies, we have the power of the Holy Spirit and we no longer need to rely on our own power to live for God. We can have victory over the flesh, because of the Holy Spirit dwelling in us.

Virgin Birth

THE VIRGIN BIRTH OF CHRIST is a vital and unalterable reality which underpins His deity and His sinless perfection:
    The birth of Christ was the fulfilment of God’s promise to send His Son (the Messiah) into the world.
    His birth was both unique and miraculous, as it did not follow the normal biological process for human conception and as such He was untainted by the inherited curse of sin which characterises every other person ever born in this world.

Jesus Sinless

THE SINLESSNESS OF CHRIST is the direct proof of His deity:
    The Lord Jesus is the only sinless human being that has ever lived.
    As God in the flesh, not only did He never sin, but He could not sin, as sin is totally alien to the character of God.
    The sinlessness of Jesus is fundamental to our salvation – His sinless character meant that He was the only person who was worthy to redeem us and to offer us forgiveness and justification before God.

Death & Resurrection

HIS DEATH AND RESURRECTION, alone guarantees us forgiveness of sin and eternal life:
    The Lord Jesus willingly allowed men to humiliate, abuse and crucify Him.
    Nevertheless, mankind could never ‘take His life’ from Him
    He consciously and willingly laid down His life at the exact time ordained in His eternal plan of redemption.
    His death was no illusion or myth – His lifeless body lay in a tomb for 3 days and 3 nights – but on the third after His crucifixion, he re-assumed His life, thus demonstrating His authority over death.
    No force in the universe could prevent Him from breaking the bonds of death
    The evidence for the resurrection of the Lord Jesus is overwhelming. Not only are the events surrounding the resurrection recorded in detail in Scripture by various witnesses, but they are also affirmed by secular historians such as Josephus and others. (Testimonium Flavianum 93 AD)
    Despite numerous attempts, no serious historian has ever been able to discredit the truth of Christ’s resurrection.

Ascension & Return

    40 days after His resurrection, the Lord took His disciples to Bethany.
    After imparting to them The Great Commission to preach the Gospel to all nations, He rose bodily into Heaven.
    This was a fulfilment of what Jesus had told them on several occasions.
    He also affirmed that although He was going back to Heaven, He would return again to eath at a time known to no man (only to The Father).
    As Christians living in the 21st century, we eagerly look forward to the day when this promise will be fulfilled and He will come again, first to rapture His church and later, in glory, to assume His rightful place as King of Kings and Lord of Lords and to be recognised as such by everyone.

The Church

THE ROLE OF THE CHURCH IS to represent Christ on earth and to spread the good news of the Gospel to people of every nation, tribe and language:
    The church of Jesus Christ is exceedingly precious to Him since he shed His blood and gave His life for it.
    In Scripture the Church is portrayed as His bride and it is made up of all those who have truly accepted Him as Lord and Saviour.
    In a coming day, the Church will be united with Christ and will serve and glorify Him for all eternity.

Sharing the love of Jesus Christ in the community

Our Team


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Aliquam finibus sapien metus, dignissim consectetur lectus tristique sit amet.